Friday, January 21, 2011

Monday, January 22, 2007

It's been over a year.

OK. It's been over an year since the last post. Thought I'd do an update on how we're doing. This picture was taken in October, when we met with two other families from our travel group.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Links to videos

Here's a link to a page with videos we took.

Video page

Sunday, November 27, 2005

From Guangzhou

OK. This girl can drink her formula really fast. In the hotel in Nanchang on our last night.

Almost done.

This is Aina with Ann and Nelle in the Jiangxi airport waiting to fly to Guangzhou. She's the MAPS contact in China and our lead guide. Look like someone we know?

The girls. Oh boy. There was actually an earthquake in the Jiangxi province on the day this was taken. We felt it in Nanchang, but as you can see, we weren't adversely affected.

We're in Guangzhou at the White Swan Hotel. Faaaaancy!. This picture was taken inside the hotel. If you could see farther down and to the left of this picture, you would see where we have breakfast.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

More pix

Here we have herself. Ridiculous how cute she is. Actually not.
In front of a pavilion in Nanchang. We got lots of stares here. We think partly because of the strangely dressed Chinese man, with a baby in a pouch, who could not speak Chinese. Oh well.
The view from the top (?) floor of the Pavilion. If you look really closely, you can see people fishing in the little protected spot in front of the spit of land.

New Post. Just a bunch of pictures.

A set of pictures of Nelle with Baba and Mama. Baba with lion statue outside a pavilion.
Mama in a garden at a tsaoist temple. Or former temple.

Sleeping Nelle on the bus.

At the pavilion in the back garden.

Monday, November 21, 2005

One More with Baba

It's almost been 48 hours. By the lake at our hotel, on a walk.

Nelle Xuepei

Nelle arrives (center with man). Sleeping. Pretty in pink series.


Crib in our room in Nanchang. Suiting up. Waiting.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Ann Dean at Victoria Harbor

On the way to Nanchang

OK. This is the first post from China. We're in Hong Hong at the airport to go to Nanchang. We experienced our first real crisis: one of our tix to Nanchang was void. Short story, it got sorted out. Long story. Oy. Can't tell the story now, but Ava was da bomb. But that George.... ooo.